Translation and precautions

How to translate

You can switch to another language by selecting the language from the drop-down menu on the account icon at the top right.


You can change it to English and then translate the page into English.

A simple way to translate

  • Switch the page to English in Chrome or Edge.
  • If the existing text is written in Korean (the page language is English, but written in Korean)
    Click the Google Page Translator icon and click the page language is not English to change the translator from Korean to English.
  • When you translate the page, all fields except the title field are automatically translated into English.
  • If you click Save, the language of the page will be changed and saved.


There are some precautions to take when managing pages in multiple languages.

  • Mistakes to expect when translating
    1. I opened several pages in tabs with the language being English.
    2. Switched to Korean in one tab.
    3. You may forget that it is in Korean and save it in English.

      You can check the language of the current field in advance as follows.
      Even if you use multiple tabs and the pages of the multiple tabs are in different languages, you can check the language of the field.
